The Police
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Speed enforcement

Good morning


Speed enforcement was conducted this morning on Blackbrook Avenue. Although you can see the new signs have made a difference, 7 vehicles were captured over the limit of 30 with the highest recorded at 47.
The results will now be sent to the central ticket office.


Do you live in the Poulton North area?
Are you having any issues with parking/Speeding on the street you live in? Maybe it's anti-social-behaviour or something completely different.

You can tell us directly and anonymously what your issues are and help us to address them by clicking on the link attached and answering the questions put to you.

All the information you put down goes directly to your local beat team to address and has helped us in the past catch drug dealers, resolve ASB issues and many more things.
Let us know because we want to know. Lets work together in making Warrington a safe place for all.



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Message Sent By
Neil Potter
(Cheshire Police, PCSO, Warrington LPU - Poulton North)

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