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Op Fierce- Burglary operation in Wilmslow

Dear Resident, 


Officers of Wilmslow Beat Team, Roads policing and special constables  have been out carrying overt and covert patrols around Wilmslow as part of Operation Fierce.


As homeowners you too can help with Operation Fierce by looking at your home and vehicle security so that the area is seen as unattractive to burglars and thieves. 


Measures which can be used to prevent and deter are :-


Steering wheel locks

Offenders can see steering wheel locks from the street, so fitting one to your vehicle acts as a clear deterrent before they set foot on your driveway. They are also a barrier to prevent your vehicle from being driven away. Keep the key to the lock separate from your car keys. Any steering wheel lock can deter criminals, but the best can be found at www.soldsecure.com


Collapsible bollards/retractable security posts

These are another clear obstacle that thieves may be unwilling to tackle: If they can’t get the vehicle out of the driveway it is less likely that they’ll try to steal it. Keep the key to the lock separate from your car keys. Police-approved retractable security posts (also called collapsible bollards) can be found through a search at this website: www.soldsecure.com


Other home and vehicle security measures include storing keyless-start car keys in a signal-proof (faraday) pouch, keeping vehicle computer systems up to date, fitting glazing film or laminated glass (not toughened) over windows, consulting an approved locksmith (www.locksmiths.co.uk), moving garden furniture and tools away from the house, putting wheelie bins in between your car and the road, and fitting bells to doors.


Don’t forget the basics: Leave keys and valuables out of sight; double check that all house and vehicle windows and doors are locked when not in use; switch on alarms and outside lights; make your home looked lived in by using light and radio timers and asking neighbours to move post and draw curtains.








07976 582 198 


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Message Sent By
Lisa Gamble
(Cheshire Police, PCSO, Macclesfield LPU - Wilmslow)

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