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Residents voice

Thank you to all resident's that completed last months survey. We had an amazing response last month so thank you to all who responded. 


This month the top concern was speeding. We intend to increase our road safety actions this month with more deployments of our TruCam (Speed enforcement gun). We will deploy our SIDs (Speed indication device) to remind drivers of the limits. Hopefully increasing these actions will help reduce the number of speeding vehicles in our area.


If you have taken the time to read this or have previously taken the Residents Voice survey, please do so again this month and please share to any residents who may also be interested. As you already know we use this information to best prioritise our resources and address the issues that are of particular concern to you and your area. It takes less than 5 minutes to complete and contains no personal data. – www.cheshire.police.uk/residentsvoicechester


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Message Sent By
Jamie Carpenter
(Cheshire Police, PCSO, Chester LPU - Great Boughton)

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