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Pick Pockets/Purse Dipping/Bank Withdrawl

Hi Latchford West


Recently we have had a number of distraction thefts such as pickpockets, purse dipping and  over the shoulder cash machine withdrawal scams. Sadly this seems to be on the increase so I have attached a few links and ideas on how to avoid becoming a victim of these crimes.


 - Whenever you withdraw money or are carrying purses/wallets or even mobile phones be aware of your surroundings


 - If using a cash machine or bank check that nobody is watching you withdraw money, if you feel they are speak to someone in the bank (if available) or go to somewhere and speak to a staff member or security.


 - If being followed go to a safe place tell someone and call the police


 - If you keep money or your phone in a pocket make sure its secure and not sticking out i.e. phone hanging out of back pocket (which we see everyday)


 - Don't be distracted by anyone asking for directions or for help, if you do get stopped make sure you keep a distance between you and person who stopped you.


 - When using a cash machine check that no devices have been connected to the machine and if unsure use a different machine.


 - If your card is swallowed by machine call the bank immediately preferably before walking away, and block it as this is often how skimmers/scammers get your card.


 - And always check over your shoulder when entering the pin. If someone is to close to you, let them go first or politely ask them to move back.


- When calling a bank or any other trusted company, store the number in your phone so you have the correct number to hand if you have an issue and always beware that along with skimming devices criminals often attach different phone numbers that you will be advised to ring. 


How to spot a cash machine scam and keep your money safe


Kind regards


Stephen Blake

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Message Sent By
Stephen Blake
(Cheshire Police, PCSO, Warrington LPU - Central)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials