The Police
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Burglary - Benty Heath Lane

Hi folks,

On the 28th Jan a burglary was reported.

The property had been empty for some months and unknown persons entered by breaking the kitchen window to undo the lock and gain access.

While our investigation continues please remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity on 101 or 999 if activity is in progress.

Please ensure any CCTV/alarms / floodlighting is working and switched on.

Also ensure your property is secure along with any vehicles ensuring any doors/windows are locked.

If you are away for sometime inform a neighbour or inform your local officer know so that passing attention can be given during their patrols.

We still have the long dark nights with us providing a cover of darkness especially used by some opportunists to approach and test your home security measures.



PCSO Matt Fullagar


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Message Sent By
Matthew Fullagar
(Cheshire Police, PCSO, Ellesmere Port LPU)

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