Dear Resident, Between 23rd to 25th January a property was entered in the area of Fairbourne Drive. Nothing was stolen. Crime prevention advice:- Use steering wheel locks and security devices for gear levers and clutch pedals for your vehicles. Read more at www.soldsecure.comConsider installing collapsible bollards.Visible, working and switched-on security lights and alarms (connected to all doors and windows).Fit all doors with bells to alert you if they are opened and internal doors with locking bolts.Let a neighbour know if you are going out so they can be wary of suspicious sights and sounds and ask if you can park your car on their driveway or in their garage. Cancel deliveries if you are away for anything more than one evening.Regularly review home security, checking the grounds of your house are properly secured with sturdy fencing or spiky shrubbery. Consider putting gravel on driveways and paths. Join or create a WhatsApp, Facebook or Home Watch group with neighbours to share information and watch out for each other: Report all suspicious people or vehicles (anything unusual) with as much detail as possible to police. Call 999 in an emergency, 101 in a non-emergency, or visit Regards Lisa PCSO 20672 07976 582 198 |