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Hartford Monthly Parish Report

Hartford Parish Council Notes 

05/10/24 – 04/10/24 

PCSO Donnelly Report 24032 


If you have any questions, please email simon.donnelly@cheshire.police.uk


Anti-Social Behaviour 

  • Reports of a group of youths heading in the direction of Moss Farm possibly drinking alcohol- Patrols have been stepped in the area to speak in groups who come to the area and see what they are up too.
  • Central Alarm activation at a school in Hartford – response attended it was found to be an individual vaping in the toilet to be dealt with by the school.
  • Reports of a loud bang on the Marshals arm has started a fire on the Marshall arms – response officers and fire attended a male was given words of advice and told he needs the landowner’s permission and helped extinguish the fire.
  • Male has been seen urinating behind a shop in Hartford local patrols have been in for reassurance if the male returns and CCTV is bieng installed.


    Suspicious Person/Vehicle

  • Reports of a male acting suspicious in the Hartford area possibly looking at properties enquires are currently ongoing.

  • Reports of a male trying back doors in address in Hartford Response officers attended and gave the reporting person advice and reassurance.

  • Reports of a male acting suspicious around a Church in Hartford enquires are ongoing currently to identify the male and reassurance has been offered to the owners of the church.

  • Reports of 6 lorries going to the car park opposite the Grange School at night. – PCSO Donnelly has spoken to the school, and they have confirmed that it was film company who was using the site for the weekend.




  • Theft of pieces of garden machinery for an address in Hartford enquires are currently ongoing currently.
  • Parking Concerns


  • Parking Concerns on Riddings Lane / Needham Drive /Abby Lane behind Hartford Primary – PCSO will give passing attention and tickets will be issued to any drivers. 
  • Parking Concerns on School Lane/King Street passing attention will be given to the area at this time.
  • Parking Concerns on Stone Mannor Lane will be given to the area for the foreseeable future. 
  • Parking Concerns on Hazelmere Close and Carriage Drive. Patrols will continue around school pick up and drop off times.
  • Parking Concerns on Beech Road where vehicles were parked blocking part of the path – Local officers have spoken to the owner of the vehicles as they were having their drive re done the vehicles have since been parked on the drive.
  • Parking concerns on Beech Road where a vehicle was parked opposite a driveway – Officers have attended the location and seen no obstruction so have resumed duties.


     Reports of Burglary at an address in Hartford where a drill and a number of bikes were taken from a garden shed – Response attended and enquires are currently ongoing.


    Vehicle/Bicycle Theft 

    No Reports of vehicle or bike theft at the moment.


    Criminal Damage

  • Reports of Criminal Damage to building on Greenbank Lane - Patrols have been stepped up in the area and any individuals near the building will be spoken too and asked why they are in the area.

  • Criminal Damage to a greenhouse where a bottle has smashed part of the roof – no current lines of enquiry at this moment in time.

  • Criminal Damage to a vehicle’s windscreen in Hartford – enquiries is currently ongoing currently.

  • Criminal Damage to a vehicle where tyres have been punctured – enquires are currently ongoing currently.

  • Criminal damage to a abandoned property – patrols have been stepped up in the area due to the reports of damage of the building and general anti-social behaviour in the area.

  • A number of trees have been damage at the memorial orchard – the local PCSO will link in and speak to the owner.




    Speed enforcement in Hartford. 

    05/09/24 Speed Enforcement on School Lane 7 Offences recorded.

    14/09/24 Speed Enforcement on Chester Road 14 Offences recorded.

    21/09/24 Speed Enforcement on School Lane 3 Offences Recorded.


    Community Speed Watch

    1 Session of community speed watch have taken place in the past month.


    School Visits

    PCSO Donnelly has visited all the primary schools in the Hartford and Greenbank area to see if there are any issues after the summer Holidays and to offer Presentations going forward for the coming term.

    Mini Police is continuing at Hartford Primary this year with currently 32 applications.

    Which will be whittled down to around 20 to partake in the program running from January to July 2025.

    Police Surgery’s for Hartford/Greenbank


    Wednesday the 23/10/2024 at 18:00pm Hartford Village Hall to discuss any issues.

    Wednesday the 16/10/2024 at 10:00am Greenbank Community Hub to discuss any issues.


    Additional action that has been taken in Hartford throughout the month.

  • Bike marking to be offered at Surgery or email below if you would like to get your bike registered.
  • email simon.donnelly@cheshire.police.uk of you would like one.
















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    Message Sent By
    Simon Donnelly
    (Cheshire Police, PCSO, Northwich LPU - Hartford and Greenbank)

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