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Hartford Monthly Parish Report

Hartford Parish Council Notes 

04/08/24 – 04/09/24 

PCSO Donnelly Report 24032 


If you have any questions, please email simon.donnelly@cheshire.police.uk


Anti-Social Behaviour 

  • Reports of a motorbike bieng driven across playing fields at Moss Farm Patrols have been stepped up in the area the vehicle has not been in the since at this time.
  • Reports of up to 4 motorbikes driving up and down the road and driving in a anti-social manner response have spoken to the reporting to offer reassurance and also patrols will be stepped up in the area.

    Suspicious Person/Vehicle

  • Reports of 2 males acting suspicious around the reporting persons vehicle. Apon further reviewing footage the reporting person recognized the 2 males as neighbours.
  • 2 males on acting suspicious on new build estate response and security attended and the two individuals were residents from the estate.

  • Reports of a male looking up driveways and houses in Hartford PCSO’S attended the area but could find no trace of the individual.
  • Report of a vehicle acting suspicious in a Cul De Sac enquires are ongoing currently.


  • Theft of a bank card and £46 has been spent on the card response attended and the issue between the two parties has been resolved.
  • Parking Concerns


  • Parking Concerns on Riddings Lane / Needham Drive /Abby Lane behind Hartford Primary – PCSO will give passing attention and tickets will be issued to any drivers. 
  • Parking Concerns on School Lane/King Street passing attention will be given to the area at this time.
  • Parking Concerns on Stone Mannor Lane will be given to the area for the foreseeable future. 
  • Parking Concerns on Hazelmere Close and Carriage Drive. Patrols will continue around school pick up and drop off times.
  • Parking concerns on Hodge Lane 1 vehicle was completely blocking the road the driver was found and verbally advised if the vehicle was parked like that again it would be a fixed penalty notice worth £30.



     Reports of an attempt Burglary at an address in Hartford response have attended and enquires are currently ongoing the RP has also been given safeguarding advice.

    Reports of an attempt burglary at an address in Hartford response have attended and enquires are ongoing at this moment in time.

    Reports of 3 individuals on the roof of a school in Hartford enquires are currently ongoing currently.


    Vehicle/Bicycle Theft 

    Reports of a person having the plates changed on a vehicle which looks suspicious – Response attended, and the vehicle had just been bought and changing plates onto the new vehicle.

    Theft of a child’s bicycle from a front garden currently no lines of enquiry currently.

    Theft of Bicycle from a garage from an address in Hartford the reporting person has been offered safeguarding advice.

    A report that a resident was having issues starting his car upon further inspection form the breakdown company his breaks had locked which indicates someone possibly trying to gain access to the vehicle the RP was offered safeguarding advice for the vehicle.


    Criminal Damage

    Reports of Criminal Damage to the roof of an address in Hartford no lines of enquiry at this moment but the reporting person has been offered safeguarding advice.

    Security have reported intruders have entered a new build estate response attended enquires are ongoing at this time.

    Reports of criminal damage to vehicle which has been possibly abandoned the vehicle has been reported to CWAC but as the vehicle was insecure the has been removed by ourselves enquiries ongoing about the vehicle to find the owner.



    Speed enforcement in Hartford. 

    10/08/24 Speed Enforcement on Chester Road 25 Offences recorded.

    20/08/24 Speed Enforcement on Hodge Lane 1 Offences recorded.

    31/08/24 Speed Enforcement on Chester Road 15 Offences Recorded.


    Community Speed Watch

    No Sessions of community speed watch have taken place in the past month.

    But sessions are due to take place in the coming month.

    School Visits

    Local Officers Have attended Hartford old school nursey to speak to their summer club about road safety.

    We will visit all schools in the coming term to see how they are settling into the new school year and if they need any presentations or assistance.

    Police Surgery’s for Hartford/Greenbank


    Wednesday the 11/09/2024 at 18:00pm Hartford Village Hall to discuss any issues.

    Wednesday the 25/09/2024 at 10:00am Greenbank Community Hub to discuss any issues.


    Additional action that has been taken in Hartford throughout the month.

  • Bike marking to be offered at Surgery or email below if you would like to get your bike registered.
  • email simon.donnelly@cheshire.police.uk of you would like one.















    Reply to this message

    Message Sent By
    Simon Donnelly
    (Cheshire Police, PCSO, Northwich LPU - Hartford and Greenbank)

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