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Youth clubs

Good evening,

Schools are back, the youth clubs are back up and running. Below are the date, times and venues.


‼️Youth club re-opening dates ‼️

Junior Club - Back open Friday 6th. For children aged 8-11yrs still at primary school! 
Senior Club - Back open Saturday 7th: For young people aged 11-18yrs (any previous junior club members that have moved up to High School can now join Sat night club!)

WHARTON Junction Club: Wharton Library
Back open Tuesday 10th:
Juniors (8-11yrs primary) 5.30-7.15pm
Seniors (11-18yrs) 7.30-9.00pm 
⭐️ New members welcome - parent to complete consent form at drop off ⭐️


Thank you for your time. 


PCSO Carl Laing 23539

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Message Sent By
Carl Laing
(Cheshire Police, PCSO, Northwich LPU - Wharton)

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