The Police
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Burglary Alert

Dear Business Owners


This letter is to inform you that unfortunately a Business burglary has occurred at a premises within your local area. This incident occurred on 28/08/24 at 03:37 on Nantwich Road in Crewe.


Crime prevention information on the link below 


Business crime prevention | Cheshire Constabulary


Keep burglars out of your business | Crime prevention | Cheshire Constabulary


If you have seen any suspicious persons, vehicles or have any other information, please contact us on 101. 

Your call will be dealt with in complete confidence and the information you supply may help us to further reduce burglary and other offences in your area




Crewe Policing Team







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Message Sent By
Lorraine Meggs
(Cheshire Police, PCSO Coach, Crewe LPU)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials