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Poynton - Good News Story

🚓 🚁 🚓 GOOD NEWS STORY 🚓 🚁 🚓 

On Monday 15/07/24 around 21:40hrs two stolen vehicles were identified travelling through the Poynton area. A stinger was used on one of the vehicles, a white MG, which came to a stop on Woodford Road, Poynton.

The driver and passenger decamped from the vehicle with the driver detained quickly by Officers. Officers were then assisted by the Police helicopter, a Police dog and GMP Officers and the passenger was located and detained in a field near to the location.

The two males were arrested and handed over to Greater Manchester Police (GMP) for a number of offences committed on them.

A white BMW which had been sighted with the MG was stopped by Officers in the Greater Manchester area with further arrests made.

Both the MG and BMW were found to be stolen vehicles from two separate burglaries in the GMP area. #PartnershipWorking #TakingCriminalsOffOurStreets #MakingCheshireAHostileEnvironment

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Message Sent By
Lisa Furmanek
(Cheshire Police, PCSO, Macclesfield LPU - Poynton West and Adlington)

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