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ANTI SOCIAL BEHVIOUR - Leftwich Community Building

LEFTWICH COMMUNITY BUILDING The LEFTWICH COMMUNITY BUILDING which is opposite OLD HALL ROAD and just off KINGSLEY DRIVE in LEFTWICH use to be a community support centre , which was owned and run by CHESHIRE WEST AND CHESTER and was for people who required assisted living. Unfortunately over the years this building has been closed down by the council and is waiting for new owners to take over. With this the building is now out of use. Last year there were break ins on a number of occasions which was reported to 101 and PCSO ROBERTSON , with this the building was placed onto the patrol plan and talks with CHESHIRE WEST AND CEHSTER about the building took place. The break ins were occurring due to the fact that the rear fencing had fallen down , so CHESHIRE WEST AND CHESTER COUNCIL boarded up all access points and made the fencing at the rear of the property more secure. This did stop the break ins and the amount of reports declined and eventually there were no issues with this building, so with that the building did come of the patrol plan. Unfortunately over the past couple of weeks reports have started again and there has been a number of officers who have attended the building and noticed new access points , due to the boarding up being damaged. On every occasion that officers have attended the access points had been made secure again , by calling out emergency boarding up. PCSO ROBERTSON has placed the building back on the patrol plan and with this any one spotted in or around the area will be questioned. This building is a health hazard and this is the main reason for these patrols as the building inside is not safe with live wires coming from the ceiling , glass and other items that could cause injury. So this again is the main reason why this building is the main focus of your community police at this current moment in time. PCSO ROBERTSON has contacted CHESHIRE WEST AND CHESTER COUNCIL and SAFTEY OFFICERS in regards to making the building more secure. We do ask if anyone knows of anyone who is entering this building, we do advise that THEY MUST NOT due to mainly their safety. If there is any suspicious activity around the building then please call it into 101.

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Message Sent By
Lee Robertson
(Cheshire Police , PSCO, Northwich LPU - Davenham and Moulton )

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