The Police
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Burglary Alert

Dear Residents 


This letter is to inform you that unfortunately a house burglary has occurred at a premises within your local area. This incident occurred between 00:10 and 10:00 on 20/05/24 in the Nantwich Road area. 


I would like to take this opportunity to point out that the Crewe Local Policing Unit, which covers both the town centre and the large rural area surrounding it, experiences a very low number of domestic house burglaries. 


In an effort to ensure it is an isolated incident we would ask you to review your home security and take sensible precautions like checking all premises and outbuildings are secure, house alarms set and vehicle keys stored away etc.


For more information please visit 


Crime prevention advice | Cheshire Constabulary


Thank you 


Crewe Policing Team 

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Message Sent By
Lorraine Meggs
(Cheshire Police, PCSO Coach , Crewe LPU)

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